Creating a Safety Plan

Out of My Mind & Over My Head When Mary Ellen Copeland created a safety manual she wanted to design it in a clear & easy manner to help individuals with the wellness & recovery process. The most common response others have when we share our struggles with them is "Take it one day at a time." This response makes sense & is very valid, however, if you respond this way to someone like Jackie, that response may be offensive or even make Jackie feel worse & that is why it is best to recommend that those you care about, like Jackie, that they fill out the WRAP Crisis Plan. This plan will help guide the individual when they are in severely disabling mental distress that it affects them not only mentally but also physically. For example, lets say that Jackie is a thirty-four year old single mother of four children & works three jobs, two during the week. One day job and one night job as well as a weekend job. Her ex-boyfriend does not help with any of t...