Self-Care for Advocates

If you're an advocate, you understand on the surface within community engagement what it is like to feel overwhelmed holding the burdens of the ever so changing policies that make life and health of our communities deteriorate.

It can be difficult to leave the workplace knowing that your patient had just shared with you a trauma about being raped by their father. When you go home, make sure that you understand that whatever happens in the workplace does not come home with you. 

It is best to separate your work-life from all of the other areas of your life:
• your intimate life with your partner
• your relationship with your children
• your personal life in general

Also, try picking up some new hobbies such as knitting or crochet, maybe needle-making.
You can also take some free language classes--try a new community program if you're on a tight budget.

It can be difficult to make time but a great schedule that flows with your work-schedule, family and personal life can really help you stay organized. Being organized is very helpful in making sure that you have time to take care of yourself. Each day dedicate an hour during the afternoon, an hour before bedtime to simply do whatever you think is best:

• go for a walk
• read a book
• browse through a magazine
• look for interesting recipes 
• watch videos of animals doing funny things

and so much more.....

Always remember to have fun when taking care of yourself.
If you still don't feel well, try a support group or group therapy.

Having a therapist and visiting them once or twice a week depending on your lifestyle or work-stress can really help balance out the stress. Stress can be healthy but too much stress can make life difficult to manage daily tasks and too much stress can unfortunately even lead to mental illness such as anxiety, trauma or depression. It's always best to have a therapist of your own.
Helping others can be very exhausting.
Don't let stress and exhaustion drive you nuts.
Take care your mental health, physical hygiene, make new hobbies & develop an easy flowing daily schedule for the week or month. Organize your life and soothe your mind. Drink some tea by your desk and enjoy some aromas of lavender or other healing essential oils.

with much love,
by Amela Sandra


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