Developing a Wellness Toolbox

Developing a Wellness Toolbox

What is a wellness toolbox?

A wellness toolbox isn't anything lavish & luxury; it's just a simple collection of items that help you feel better whenever you feel that a trigger arising.

How to Create a Wellness Toolbox:

Touch & the Senses
Creating a Wellness Toolbox includes anything that you find helps you feel relaxed whenever you are feeling severely anxious, traumatized or immobilizing stress. This can range from simple things such as a pouch of lavender in your bag, in your desk drawer or in your living-room side table.

Personally, having a bottle of lavender essential oil in my bag then rubbing it on my wrists helps me feel a bit more relaxed. If you are sensitive to smells and sounds, essential oils can be very helpful in soothing tensions of your sinus.

Stress balls are also very good for relieving stress, you can purchase a fancy stress ball online or just grab one right at the cashier at your local pharmacy. Some stress balls have a mini ball inside of the stress ball, you can feel the little hard stress ball on the palms of your hands.

Whenever you feel a headache or severe migraines, the best sounds to listen to are the sounds of nature. Something much more deeply personal for myself is, I enjoy listening to spiritual or classical music. The sounds connect each area of your brain including the bridge of the left & right hemispheres.


With so much literature out there, it is important that you are mindful of how certain literature makes you feel. Sometimes the books you are reading could actually negate your emotions and make you feel even more depressed than you had actually thought. It might seem like a great book that you're reading until the book gives you prolonged feelings of sadness. As emotional beings we tend to connect to whatever we bring into our lives, whether it is a book or a new shirt that we've bought from shopping or whatever it is. Attachment can be emotional, mental or physical. Gaining independence from your attachments can help you accomplish anything & everything positive in any area of your life.

The next time you decide on purchasing the best seller, consider buying a book that you would actually enjoy reading but would feel a bit ashamed to read in public or wouldn't want to be caught dead with it. For example, if you're into sexuality or witchcraft or losing weight or garbage compost, or books about death, longing or a book about your own mental illness. You can recover by being genuine with yourself & accepting that you like something that is just a little bit more you and not so much everyone else.

Focus on the little things that make you feel good, even if its swinging your arms up & down while waiting for the train to arrive or anything other type physical activity that is a bit on the stretching your muscles. Muscle tension is also connected to your mental health. It doesn't require a license or specialization to know and understand the needs of your body. Simply, relax and stretch out all of your limbs until you feel less muscle tension. If you are afraid of spraining a muscle, you can attend a yoga class or a free Ti Chi lesson in the park or anywhere else to help you learn how to stretch.

It's the little things that can make a grand difference in your life.

x Amela


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