What's a Self-Care Routine

What is a Self-Care Routine?

A self-care routine is a routine can be used as a safety plan, it can be used for emotional break-downs or mental overload. When you feel that your body or mind are communicating danger, that fear or anger should alert you that it is time to pause, take a step back & reflect on your emotions.

Why do you feel the way you do in this very moment?

What is going on around you?

Could the situation be interpreted in any other way?

What is a Self-Care Daily Routine?

Here is a list of suggestions that I have discovered from a variety of psychological self-help resources developed by psychologists & specialists in the field. 

But first, here is an activity that I wish for you to do:

• Understand what mindfulness is

• Search for something new, a mandela coloring book, there are so many in discounts stores & many other places that are available for you to work on

•  Look into a yoga or meditation class, it may seem cliche but it really isn't, traditionally yoga & meditation used to be performed by the wealthiest but commoners have also always been aware of the impact of spiritual activities such as yoga, meditation or tai-chi & many other ancient arts of connecting the physical with the intangible

• Promise yourself that you are willing to change, commit to bringing awareness to your daily habits & routines

• Be aware that a new activity may eventually become a habit or routine & eventually just a natural part of your every day life

Daily Routines for Self-Care

Be mindful of what you're eating, 

what time do you eat? what is the portion of the food? do you enjoy eating this food? how are you eating? do you feel the flavors bursting on your tongue? how are you chewing the food? every little detail should not feel like you're criticizing yourself, it's just that you are noticing how you eat & what you like or dislike, think of this as an opportunity to change something that you do not like

Remind yourself to take your daily vitamins or medication, 

it is important to understand what vitamins you may be deficient in & to also understand that it is important for you to consult with your pharmacist or physician on whether or not taking these medications are compatible with each other

Hydrate yourself with water

water is so important, as someone that doesn't enjoy water much I know that there are ways in which I can make water taste better for me such as squeezing a fresh lemon into my water or adding some cucumbers in my thermos

Develop healthy sleep patterns

make sure that you are getting enough sleep, there is a certain amount of time that you should take into consideration for sleep

•  Express yourself through a new activity

get involved in arts and crafts, or do scrap-booking or journaling

Socialize, meet new people & make new friends

go to a social gathering, an event or attend a discussion or anything that will help you maintain healthy relationships & friendships

Indulge in solitude

read a book quietly or go for a walk in the park solo.. doing so may help you with gathering your thoughts & reflecting on any healthy or unhealthy thinking patterns

Bring mindfulness to all daily routines & aspects of your life

•  Take a bubble bath

Buy something at the store that you forgot to buy earlier in the day

Read a funny story or a comic book online

Write in a journal daily or at the end of each week,
schedule in a time for this activity & commit to it

Go to the movies solo or with friends, or attend a film festival

whether it's an indie theater or a project by university/college students, or a community cultural center event, engage in a lovely event that has to do with cinema or film or theater

Browse your local bookstore & shop small, shop local while also being frugal

have a little piggy-bank where you save up money for self-care shopping adventures such as this one

& that is all for now... if you have any suggestions or questions for self-care let me know what yours are in the comments section below.

Thank you for reading & have a lovely day

x Amela Sandra


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