Having a Mental illness & College
Tuesday, May 28th, 2019 5:00pm # C ollege L ife # H ealing W ithin Suicide Prevention College is meant to be a time in which you explore what it is exactly that you wish to study as well as the possibility of changing your major. Socializing can be very challenging depending on the cultural environment of your college. Some colleges & universities tend to have a rigorous tradition in which it may be very difficult for students to adapt to such an environment. That is why, before you even begin going to the college, first investigate the college, not like Sherlock Holmes but more like a snoopy little kitten in search for new place to rest its mind. I'm using a cat as a metaphor here because in many cultures cats are believed to symbolize good luck & even safety. The kitten here should illustrate the calm in sanctuary in which you seek to find within your campus. Look around the campus & ask yourself: • Can I make friends here? • How safe do I fee...