Mindfully Tolerating Change

There will be a stage in life in which you are required to accept change whether you want to or not.
Whatever it is, adjusting to the change may be difficult & even mentally, emotionally & physically distressing. Here are some tips on managing self-care with the help & support from your therapist.

Accepting Change
Change can be very difficult to accept.
Adapting is not easy.
Adjusting to changes can be difficult.
The most challenging is, changing yourself.
One of the most difficult is, understanding at which stage of the change model you're in:

The Model of Change
uninterested in change >> considering change >> planning change >> acting on & maintaining change

Applying Mindfulness to Adapting
Adapting to changes does not have to be difficult.
You can manage the transitioning phase by incorporating daily self-care habits which
may eventually become routine in taking care of yourself as you begin to accept change.
My recommendation is using a journal to help you keep track of how you feel as per each
bullet of self-care tips.
Journaling your progress, reaction & challenges will help you keep track of how you express
yourself during the transition.

Daily Routines for Self-Care:

• bring awareness to your daily habits & routines
- how do I feel performing this habit?
- what am I doing?
- is this what I always do?
- for how long have I been doing this routine?
- how can I revise this ritualistic behavior?
- does this [change of habit] make me feel better?

• be mindful of what you're eating
- does this food taste good to me?
- why am I eating this?
- do I feel full?
- how much do I enjoy eating this dish?

• reminding yourself to take your daily vitamins & medication
- there are also apps that help remind you to take your medication & vitamins at a scheduled time

• hydrate yourself with water
- if you are not a big fan of water, try tea for now until you become comfortable with a brand of water that you enjoy most

• develop a healthy sleep routine
- practice with hours in the day, your schedule may change but listening to your body helps,
you may also really want to expose your body to natural sunlight & moonlight

•  express yourself through arts & crafts, such as a collage or oil-painting, try needle-point or knitting

• try yoga or meditation
- connect with your soul, I enjoy listening to my playlist on spotify titled sounds of nature

• go for mindfulness walks
- try walking out once before you get ready to go to work/college
- go for a quick stroll around the block if you can't sleep
- remind yourself that it is okay to take your time & be intuitive with your mind&body

• make sure to eat breakfast, if you miss breakfast then at least eat a fulling brunch

• socialize, meet new people, make a friend

• indulge in solitude
- enjoy your alone time
- look at your fingers
- look at your toes
- apply some essential oils for relaxation
- smooth on some body lotion
- practice deep inhales from the nose, hold, light exhales from the mouth

• read a book or join a book-club, make sure the book you're reading is positive as sometimes reading a book that is a bit negative can actually worsen your depression, especially if you're a very sensitive person

• if on the weekends you feel symptoms worsening, it's optional that you join a support group
- you can follow me on twitter, facebook or join my Caturday newsletter, it's sent out every Saturday morning  

•  bring mindfulness to all areas of your life: work, home, interpersonal, romantic, etc...

PRO-TIP: Try journaling, journal in the morning, afternoon or at night--whenever you feel most comfortable with taking about 30-45 minutes writing or, write an entry every three or so hours where you can generously dedicated about 15-20 minutes of your time writing

If you have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to keep in touch with me.

Love, Peace & Tranquility,
Amela Sandra 


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